MVA IP team and attorneys recognized in IAM Patent 1000


Moore & Van Allen (MVA) has been recognized by IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals, a unique guide that identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. MVA members Kate ColeJeffrey GrayChris KnorsDick LupoKevin RansomNick RussellPeter StewartTodd Taylor, and Mark Wilson were listed as recommended attorneys in their respective practice areas.

The IAM Patent 1000 is a standalone publication that identifies individual and firm expertise in all major areas of patent law and practice. Through an extensive research process conducted by a team of highly qualified, full-time analysts, the publication identifies the top patent practitioners, as well as leading patent law and attorney firms, in 48 of the world’s most important jurisdictions and 18 US states. The complete list of North Carolina rankings can be seen in alphabetical order by firm/attorney name here.

The guide states, “Moore & Van Allen is fantastic and truly shines in the transactional space; every detail of a prior deal is built upon to make the next transaction more efficient. Its team of attorneys have strong underlying skills and deliver a sterling work product while providing an outstanding service which offers continued support.”

Head of the IP group Kevin Ransom leads a distinguished team of multi-talented practitioners, including Kate Cole, Peter Stewart, Dickson Lupo, and Todd Taylor. “Kevin Ransom is a skilled, knowledgeable and service-oriented practitioner. He has excellent communication skills and speaks in layman’s terms to explain complex parts of the process and potential issues, so that they are easy to understand.”

“Kate Cole is brilliant – she is responsive, thorough, and careful but very creative. She has an extremely strong skill set when it comes to IP and corporate matters, so she can efficiently and effectively solve any problem that comes her way.” “Licensing guru, Peter Stewart is an extremely strong attorney”, who regularly teams up with Cole to mastermind complex transactions.

Lupo is commercially savvy and a master at merger and acquisition deals which involve a heavy patent component. Taylor draws on his in-house experience to see issues from multiple perspectives. Ward provides wise counsel on a diverse range of technologies.

On the prosecution side, Jeffrey Gray, Nick Russell and Chris Knors are the names to note. Gray has a rich technical background in mechanical engineering and strong business acumen; Russell designs thoughtful and thorough patent applications in the computer science space; Knors devises solutions to complex legal questions and is a favourite for due diligence investigations. IP all-rounder Mark Wilson is an experienced litigator who is well adapted to multi-faceted briefs involving patent infringement and other claims.

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