MVA recognized as a PBI 2020 Corporate Pro Bono Award honoree
MVA has been recognized as one of the recipients of the PBI 2020 Corporate Pro Bono Award for the firm’s participation within the Charlotte Triage program at the annual Charlotte Triage Pro Bono Partnership Annual Anniversary Event which was held October 1. The 2020 Corporate Pro Bono Award honors innovative pro bono partnerships between law firms, in-house legal departments and public interest organizations.
Charlotte Triage supports Legal Aid of North Carolina-Charlotte and the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy. The program uses a collaborative approach to identify and meet pro bono legal needs in Charlotte, which is grappling with economic mobility challenges and a vulnerable homeless population. McGuireWoods, Moore & Van Allen and dozens of local law firms and corporate legal departments — including leaders from Bank of America, Duke Energy, Husqvarna Group and Wells Fargo — came together in 2018 to launch the ambitious initiative.
The program enables legal aid groups to outsource work to private-practice lawyers and in-house counsel for eviction defense, healthcare enrollment, criminal record expunctions, driver’s license restoration, social security benefits and human trafficking. Since its inception, the program has trained more than 400 volunteers and helped deliver legal services for more than 350 matters.