Recognized as a leading law firm offering comprehensive legal services to survivors of human trafficking, Moore & Van Allen continues to meet the high demand to support victims of this crime. Common areas of service include expunction of criminal records, victim-witness advocacy, family law consultations, name changes, and assistance with credit repair and financial inclusion. The Project accepts referrals from community partners, federal and local law enforcement agencies, and national human trafficking partner organizations. All clients must be supported by a referring agency to be eligible for Project services.

Moore & Van Allen also advises organizations on their response to human trafficking to ensure regulatory compliance, increased awareness, and social responsibility through the Human Trafficking Prevention & Compliance team.

For more information, please contact Sarah Byrne at

Direct Legal Representation

Client service successes include working with prosecutors and law enforcement to ensure that victim witness rights are protected at all stages of the criminal process; expunging criminal records that pose obstacles to employment, housing and education; and asserting parental rights.

Financial Inclusion


The Project accepts referrals from community partners, federal and local law enforcement agencies, and national human trafficking legal aid organizations. All clients must be supported by a referring agency to be eligible for Project services.

Project Leaders

Sarah Byrne
Senior Counsel, Financial Regulatory Advice & Response



Project leaders regularly train law firms, pro bono lawyers and governmental, academic, and community organizations about human trafficking and survivor legal needs.

Client Testimonials

“You will never truly know what you have done for me. You have helped in my freedom. You stepped up when everyone stepped down.” - Project Client

“MVA proved a community that values the importance of the individual . . . we found in you great friends.” - Project Client

Project Resources & Materials

Moore & Van Allen co-led the creation of this partnership among dozens of corporate legal departments and law firms to support Legal Aid of North Carolina – Charlotte and the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy to raise awareness of the unmet legal needs in the community and drive intentional pro bono volunteerism. Participating corporate legal departments include Bank of America, Duke Energy, Husqvarna Group, and Wells Fargo.

Moore & Van Allen is proud to serve as a founding member of the National Survivor Law Collective. Founded in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Survivor Law Collective (NSL Collective) is composed of U.S. organizations focused on providing free legal services to survivors of all forms of human trafficking.
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