Sarah Byrne leads the firm’s human trafficking practice, advising organizations on human trafficking prevention and compliance programs, and representing survivors of human trafficking.


Sarah has years of experience representing survivors of sex and labor trafficking and is nationally recognized for her work in combatting human trafficking. Sarah is a frequent conference speaker and advocate for legislative change in support of trafficking victims. She is a founding member of the National Survivor Law Collective, a national network of trauma-informed lawyers providing legal aid to survivors. Representing MVA as a participating member, Sarah works with the United Nation’s Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking (“FAST”) Initiative to increase survivor access to financial services and guide banks on the Survivor Inclusion Initiative.

Regulatory interest in preventing and identifying human trafficking has led many clients to Sarah for institutional training and advice on developing anti-trafficking and survivor support programs, and compliance with related human rights law and regulation. 

Sarah, along with MVA’s multidisciplinary Financial Regulatory Advice & Response team, brings a unique human rights focus to companies navigating the emerging legal, regulatory and reputational aspects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, offering workforce training, and advice on corporate policy drafting, anti-money laundering processes, supply chains, KYC diligence, and corporate disclosures.     

Prior to joining the firm, Sarah practiced litigation in Massachusetts. She served as a judicial law clerk to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and as an aide in the Massachusetts Governor’s Office and the U.S. Senate.



  • 2024 State of North Carolina Outstanding Service and Dedication to Ending Human Trafficking Award Recipient

  • Named to The American Lawyer South Trailblazers list, 2022

  • Co-champion, Charlotte Pro Bono Triage, September 2019-present
  • North Carolina Human Trafficking Commission, Legislative Committee, 2020
  • Presents to governmental bodies and professional groups on human trafficking and victims’ legal needs
  • Founding Member, National Survivor Law Collective 
  • North Carolina Pro Bono Honor Society, 2017-2023





Speaking Engagements



Blogs and Resources


Blog Posts




J.D., Suffolk University Law School, 2003

B.A., Boston College, 1998


  • United States Supreme Court, 2019
  • North Carolina, 2006
  • Massachusetts, 2004
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Named to The American Lawyer South Trailblazers list, 2022

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