Valecia McDowell serves as Hearing Officer in Removal Proceeding for Monroe City Councilmember
Moore & Van Allen (MVA) Co-head of White Collar, Regulatory Defense & Investigations Valecia McDowell was appointed as Hearing Officer in late 2021 in the proceeding to determine whether to remove Monroe City Councilwoman Angelia James from office. Litigation Associates Fielding Huseth and Raquel Macgregor Pearkes assisted throughout the public evidentiary proceeding that included 12 witnesses and expert testimony and prepared findings of fact and conclusions of law laying out the Councilwoman’s misconduct in office.
On April 7, the MVA team presented their 46 page report before the Monroe City Council. Valecia addressed the Council, stating, "As set forth and analyzed in the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, the evidence indicates that Ms. James engaged in misconduct in office and that just cause exists for her removal from office. If the councilmembers agree based on their review of the evidence in the Record, then they—and only they—can answer the question as to whether Ms. James should be removed." Ultimately, the Council adopted the findings and conclusions of law and voted unanimously for Ms. James removal.
Valecia’s appointment as Hearing Officer, the MVA Team’s findings and the removal of Ms. James from City Council has been highlighted by area media sources.