Member Publishes Acclaimed "MecDec" Book


Charlotte Corporate Member and May 20th Society co-founder Scott Syfert has published the nonfiction book The First American Declaration of Independence? The Disputed History of the Mecklenburg Declaration of May 20, 1775.  The book gives a historical account of what is considered “one of the greatest mysteries in American history,” exploring the question of whether or not Mecklenburg County declared independence from Great Britain more than a year before everyone else. 

“According to local legend, on May 20, 1775, in a log court house in the remote backcountry, two dozen local militia leaders met to discuss the deteriorating state of affairs in the American colonies.  As they met, a horseman arrived bringing news of the battles of Lexington and Concord.  Enraged, they unanimously declared Mecklenburg County "free and independent" from Great Britain.  It was known as the ‘Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence’ (‘MecDec’ for short).  A local tavern owner named James Jack delivered the MecDec to the Continental Congress, who found it ‘premature.’" 

The publication is being sold by retailers such as Amazon, and has received reviews from PBS documentarian Ken Burns and British historian Andrew Roberts.  The Charlotte Observer printed a feature about the book in March, and the Charlotte Business Journal spotlighted Syfert's work in February.

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