Taylor Published by Corporate Counsel


Charlotte Commercial & Technology Transactions Senior Counsel Todd Taylor was published by Corporate Counsel on September 17. Taylor's article, "An Analysis of Proposed Federal Cybersecurity Legislation," was included in the publication's "From the Experts" section, and discusses the bills recently introduced in Congress to address the prospect of cyber threats and their impact on our nation’s security.

Taylor quotes Michael Chertoff, former head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, who stated that cyber threats represent one of the biggest challenges to national security since the nuclear age began.

Taylor summarizes the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), the Strengthening and Enhancing Cybersecurity by Using Research, Education, Information, and Technology Act of 2012 (the SECURE IT Act), and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (CSA).

“Cybersecurity is a dynamic field. Companies must be flexible as they manage both cyber threats and new laws and regulations that are likely to be enacted in response to cyber threats,” he stated.

Reprinted with permission from the September 17 issue of Corporate Counsel. Copyright 2012 ALM Media Properties LLC. Further duplication without permission is prohibited. All rights reserved.

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